Saturday, October 29, 2011

ConnDOT eAlert: News from the Connecticut Department of Transportation

New Haven Rail Line & Bus Service Update - #2

Check here for updated information on New Haven Rail Line and CTTransit Bus Service.

For more information, please visit the ConnDOT website:

ConnDOT eAlert: News from the Connecticut Department of Transportation

New Haven Line / Metro-North Storm Update #1

Weather-related issues have caused some service reductions on the New haven Line.

For more information, please visit the ConnDOT website:

Friday, October 28, 2011

ConnDOT eAlert: News from the Connecticut Department of Transportation

Public Transit Service -- Weekend Storm Updates

Check here for updates on public transit service during and after the weekend storm.

For more information, please visit the ConnDOT website:

ConnDOT eAlert: Construction News from the Connecticut Department of Transportation

Detour Required for Work at Railroad Crossing in New Milford

The State Department of Transportation is announcing that pavement repairs will be performed at the railroad crossing located on Routes 202/67 (Bridge Street) in New Milford beginning Tuesday, November 1, 2011.

For more information, please visit the ConnDOT website:

ConnDOT eAlert: Construction News from the Connecticut Department of Transportation

Bridge Maintenance on I-84 Eastbound in Waterbury

The State Department of Transportation is announcing that a Bridge Maintenance project will require lane closures on I-84 Eastbound in Waterbury between Exits 18 and 21 beginning Monday, October 31, 2011.

For more information, please visit the ConnDOT website:

ConnDOT eAlert: Construction News from the Connecticut Department of Transportation

Lane Closures for Bridge Inspections Beginning October 29, 2011

Lane closures for bridge safety inspections and evaluations will be required around Connecticut beginning October 29, 2011. View the complete list.

For more information, please visit the ConnDOT website:

Thursday, October 27, 2011

ConnDOT eAlert: Construction News from the Connecticut Department of Transportation

Bridge Maintenance on I-84 in East Hartford

The State Department of Transportation is announcing that a Bridge Maintenance project will require lane closures on I-84 Eastbound in East Hartford between Exit 53 and Exit 58 beginning Sunday, October 30, 2011.

For more information, please visit the ConnDOT website:

ConnDOT eAlert: Construction News from the Connecticut Department of Transportation

Bridge Maintenance on I-95 in Bridgeport (between Exits 27 and 25)

The State Department of Transportation is announcing that bridge maintenance will be performed on the I-95 Southbound Bridge over Hancock Avenue in Bridgeport beginning Sunday, October 30, 2011. Motorists can expect lane closures between Exits 27 and 25.

For more information, please visit the ConnDOT website:

ConnDOT eAlert: Construction News from the Connecticut Department of Transportation

Construction to Begin for the Replacement of Bridge No. 02588, Route 97 over Byron Brook in the City of Norwich

For more information, please visit the ConnDOT website:

ConnDOT eAlert: Construction News from the Connecticut Department of Transportation

Project No. 148-202, Intersection Improvements to Route 68 (Church Street) at Route 150 (Main Street), Town of Wallingford

The Connecticut Department of Transportation will conduct a Public Informational Meeting concerning the intersection Improvements to Route 68 at Route 150 on Wednesday, November 9, 2011 in Room 315, at the Wallingford Town Hall in Room 315, 45 South Main Street, Wallingford, Connecticut. Department personnel will be available at 6:30 p.m. to answer questions prior to a formal presentation at 7:00 p.m.

For more information, please visit the ConnDOT website:

ConnDOT eAlert: Construction News from the Connecticut Department of Transportation

Public Information Meeting Concerning the Replacement of Bridge 00368, Route 1 over the Niantic River in East Lyme/Waterford

The Connecticut Department of Transportation (Department) will conduct a Public Information Meeting concerning the replacement of Bridge No. 00368, Route 1 over Niantic River on Thursday, December 8, 2011 at 7:00 p.m. in the East Lyme Town Hall, 108 Pennsylvania Avenue in Niantic. Inclement weather date will be December 21, 2011.

For more information, please visit the ConnDOT website:

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

ConnDOT eAlert: Construction News from the Connecticut Department of Transportation

I-84 Westbound Exit 51 Ramp to I-91 North Will Be Closed Overnight on Tuesday, October 25, 2011 During Replacement of Overhead Sign Support on the Bulkeley Bridge in Hartford

The Connecticut Department of Transportation is announcing that the I-84 westbound off ramp to I-91 north (Exit 51) will be closed to traffic at night beginning Tuesday, October 25, 2011 at 9 pm for the replacement of the overhead sign support on the Bulkeley Bridge in Hartford.

For more information, please visit the ConnDOT website:

ConnDOT eAlert: News from the Connecticut Department of Transportation

Evening Bus Service Launched in Waterbury

Evening bus service in the city of Waterbury was launched on Monday, October 24, 2011.

For more information, please visit the ConnDOT website:

Monday, October 24, 2011

ConnDOT eAlert: Construction News from the Connecticut Department of Transportation

Route 44 Road Closure for Railroad Work Between Brigham Tavern Road and Route 32 in Mansfield

The Connecticut Department of Transportation is announcing that a railroad repair project will be performed on Route 44 between Brigham Tavern Road and Route 32 in Mansfield. This project is scheduled to take place on Tuesday, October 25, 2011 and Wednesday, October 26, 2011. The road will be closed while the work is taking place and a posted detour will be in effect.

For more information, please visit the ConnDOT website:

Friday, October 21, 2011

ConnDOT eAlert: Construction News from the Connecticut Department of Transportation

Lane Closures for Bridge Inspections Beginning October 22, 2011

Lane closures for bridge safety inspections and evaluations will be required around Connecticut beginning October 22, 2011. View the complete list.

For more information, please visit the ConnDOT website:

ConnDOT eAlert: Construction News from the Connecticut Department of Transportation

I-91 Windsor Resurfacing Project Adding Saturday Daytime Work on October 22, 2011 To Complete H.O.V. Lanes and Ramps At Exits 38 and 42

The Connecticut Department of Transportation is announcing that on Saturday, October 22, 2011, day time work is scheduled for the High Occupancy Vehicle (HOV) lanes on I-91 north and southbound and the ramps at Exit 38 and Exit 42 from 2 p.m. to 2 a.m. Sunday. The work will require the H.O.V. lanes to be closed to traffic.

For more information, please visit the ConnDOT website:

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

ConnDOT eAlert: Construction News from the Connecticut Department of Transportation

Nighttime Closure of Route 34 Ramp to I-95 in New Haven on Wednesday, October 19, 2011

The Connecticut Department of Transportation is announcing that the Route 34 Eastbound ramp to I-95 Northbound in New Haven will be closed and traffic detoured Wednesday, October 19, 2011. The 'rain date' will be Thursday, October 20, 2011.

For more information, please visit the ConnDOT website:

ConnDOT eAlert: Construction News from the Connecticut Department of Transportation

Nighttime Work on the Route 34 EB ramp to I-95 NB, I-95 SB and I-91 SB in New Haven

The Connecticut Department of Transportation is announcing that nighttime traffic impacts will occur in New Haven on I-95 SB, I-91 SB, and ramp from Route 34 EB to I-91 NB beginning Sunday, October 23, 2011, between the hours of 9 p.m. and 6 a.m.

For more information, please visit the ConnDOT website:

Monday, October 17, 2011

ConnDOT eAlert: Construction News from the Connecticut Department of Transportation

Work Begins for The Relocation of Utilities along Flatbush Avenue, New Park Avenue and Newfield Avenue in the cities of West Hartford and Hartford

The Connecticut Department of Transportation is announcing that motorists can expect nighttime and weekend lane restrictions along Flatbush Avenue, New Park Avenue and Newfield Avenue in West Hartford and Hartford as part of the utility breakout project to relocate water and sewer mains.

For more information, please visit the ConnDOT website:

ConnDOT eAlert: Construction News from the Connecticut Department of Transportation

I-95 Northbound Closure of Third Lane in New London Between October 17, 2011 and November 11, 2011 For Bridge Work

The Connecticut Department of Transportation is announcing a three to four week closure of one of the three lanes on Interstate 95 northbound in the vicinity of Coleman Street (Exit 82A) in New London between October 17, 2011 and November 11, 2011.

For more information, please visit the ConnDOT website:

ConnDOT eAlert: Construction News from the Connecticut Department of Transportation

Nighttime Closure of the Exit 46 On-Ramp (Route 59 Fairfield-Easton) to Route 15 northbound in the Town of Fairfield is scheduled for October 20, 2011

The Connecticut Department of Transportation is announcing that on October 20, 2011, a nighttime ramp closure is scheduled at the Exit 46 on ramp (Route 59 Fairfield-Easton) to Route 15 northbound in the town of Fairfield. Installation of a drainage system is scheduled and will require the closure of the ramp from 9 p.m. to 5 a.m.

For more information, please visit the ConnDOT website:

Friday, October 14, 2011

ConnDOT eAlert: Construction News from the Connecticut Department of Transportation

Bridge Maintenance on I-95 (Southbound) in West Haven

The State Department of Transportation is announcing that bridge maintenance will be performed on the I-95 Southbound Bridge over Greta Street in West Haven. Motorists can expect lane closures between Exit 43 (Route 122/First Ave.) and Exit 42 (Route 162/Sawmill Rd.) beginning Monday, October 17, 2011.

For more information, please visit the ConnDOT website:

ConnDOT eAlert: Construction News from the Connecticut Department of Transportation

Bridge Maintenance on I-95 (Northbound) in Guilford

The State Department of Transportation is announcing that bridge maintenance will be performed on the I-95 northbound bridge over Goose Lane in Guilford. Motorists can expect lane closures between Exit 58 (Route 77/Church St.) and Exit 61 (Route 79/Durham Rd.) on Monday, October 17, 2011.

For more information, please visit the ConnDOT website:

ConnDOT eAlert: Construction News from the Connecticut Department of Transportation

Maintenance on Route 40 Bridge over I-91 in North Haven

The State Department of Transportation is announcing that bridge maintenance will be performed on the Route 40 Northbound Bridge over I-91 in North Haven. Motorists can expect lane closures between I-91 and Exit 1 (Devine Street) beginning Monday, October 17, 2011.

For more information, please visit the ConnDOT website:

ConnDOT eAlert: Construction News from the Connecticut Department of Transportation

Bridge Maintenance on I-95 (North and Southbound) in Westport

The State Department of Transportation is announcing that bridge maintenance will be performed on the I-95 Bridge over Sherwood Island Connector in Westport. Motorists can expect lane closures both North and Southbound between Exit 17 (Route 33) and Exit 19 (Center Street/Pease Avenue) beginning Monday, October 17, 2011.

For more information, please visit the ConnDOT website:

ConnDOT eAlert: Construction News from the Connecticut Department of Transportation

Merritt Parkway Resurfacing in Stamford

The State Department of Transportation is announcing that resurfacing will be performed on the Merritt Parkway (Route 15) Southbound in Stamford. Motorists can expect lane closures between Exits 36 and 33 beginning Monday, October 17, 2011.

For more information, please visit the ConnDOT website:

ConnDOT eAlert: Construction News from the Connecticut Department of Transportation

Lane Closures for Bridge Inspections Beginning October 15, 2011

Lane closures for bridge safety inspections and evaluations will be required around Connecticut beginning October 15, 2011. View the complete list.

For more information, please visit the ConnDOT website:

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

ConnDOT eAlert: Construction News from the Connecticut Department of Transportation

Planning Begins for I-95 Culvert Project in Westbrook

The Connecticut Department of Transportation's Office of Engineering is developing plans to rehabilitate a culvert that carries Interstate 95 over Gatchen Creek, near exit 64 in Westbrook.

For more information, please visit the ConnDOT website:

ConnDOT eAlert: Construction News from the Connecticut Department of Transportation

Resurfacing Project on I-84 (East and Westbound) in East Hartford

The Connecticut Department of Transportation is announcing that resurfacing will be performed on I-84 in East Hartford. Motorists can expect lane closures Eastbound between Exit 58 (Robert Street) and Exit 59 (I-384) and Westbound between Exit 58 and Exit 57 (Route 15 South). This work is expected to occur on Thursday, October 20, 2011 to the morning of Saturday, October 22, 2011.

For more information, please visit the ConnDOT website:

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

ConnDOT eAlert: News from the Connecticut Department of Transportation

RFP Issued For State Pier Management and Operation

The Connecticut Department of Transportation (DOT) is entertaining proposals from interested qualified parties for the management and operation of the State Pier Facility located in New London, Connecticut.

For more information, please visit the ConnDOT website:

Friday, October 7, 2011

ConnDOT eAlert: News from the Connecticut Department of Transportation

Connecticut DOT, the Regional Plan Association and America 2050 to Host Conference on Opportunities for Economic Growth and Development Related to the New Haven-Hartford-Springfield Rail Project

The Connecticut Department of Transportation, the Regional Plan Association, and America 2050 are sponsoring a special conference on the New Haven – Hartford – Springfield (NHHS) Rail Project. A panel of economic development experts will be convened to explore opportunities to leverage the state's investment in this rail project to spur development, jobs, and economic growth in the corridor.

For more information, please visit the ConnDOT website:

ConnDOT eAlert: Construction News from the Connecticut Department of Transportation

Nighttime Detour of I-95 Northbound to Route 34 Westbound (Exit 47), the Route 34 Flyover Bridge, Scheduled to Occur Tuesday, October 11th and Wednesday, October 12, 2011

The Connecticut Department of Transportation is announcing that I-95 NB to Route 34 WB (Exit 47), the new Route 34 Flyover Bridge, will be detoured evenings, Tuesday, October 11th and Wednesday, October 12, 2011, between the hours of 10 PM and 5 AM.

For more information, please visit the ConnDOT website:

Thursday, October 6, 2011

ConnDOT eAlert: Construction News from the Connecticut Department of Transportation

Traffic Signal Project on Route 71 in Farmington, Newington & West Hartford

The Connecticut Department of Transportation is announcing that a traffic signal project will be performed on Route 71 between the New Britain/Farmington Town Line and Chatfield Drive in West Hartford. This project is expected to occur Tuesday, October 11, 2011 to Friday, October 28, 2011.

For more information, please visit the ConnDOT website:

ConnDOT eAlert: Construction News from the Connecticut Department of Transportation

Resurfacing on Route 214 (Stoddards Wharf Road) in Ledyard

The State Department of Transportation is announcing that the ongoing milling and resurfacing being performed on Route 214 is being extended through Wednesday, October 19, 2011.

For more information, please visit the ConnDOT website:

ConnDOT eAlert: Construction News from the Connecticut Department of Transportation

Milling and Resurfacing Project on Route 79 (Durham Road) in Madison and Killingworth

The Connecticut Department of Transportation is announcing that milling and resurfacing will be performed on Route 79 (Durham Road) between County Road in Madison and the Killingworth/Durham Town Line. This project is expected to occur Tuesday, October 11, 2011 to Wednesday, October 19, 2011.

For more information, please visit the ConnDOT website:

ConnDOT eAlert: News from the Connecticut Department of Transportation

Connecticut Airport Authority Meeting - October 14, 2011

The inaugural meeting of the Connecticut Airport Authority will be held Friday, October 14, 2011, at 2 p.m. in Room 1-C of the Legislative Office Building in Hartford.

For more information, please visit the ConnDOT website:

ConnDOT eAlert: Construction News from the Connecticut Department of Transportation

Resurfacing on Route 157 (Reeds Gap Road/Main Street) in Middlefield

The State Department of Transportation is announcing that milling and resurfacing is being performed on Route 157 (Reeds Gap Road/Main Street) between the Durham Town Line and the Middletown Town Line in Middlefield, including its overlap of Route 147.

For more information, please visit the ConnDOT website:

ConnDOT eAlert: Construction News from the Connecticut Department of Transportation

Route 117 (Center Groton Road) Milling and Resurfacing in Ledyard

The State Department of Transportation is announcing that a milling and resurfacing project will be performed on Route 117 (Center Groton Road) in Ledyard between the Groton Town Line and Route 214 (Iron Street). This project will take place Wednesday, October 12, through Thursday, October 27, 2011.

For more information, please visit the ConnDOT website:

ConnDOT eAlert: Construction News from the Connecticut Department of Transportation

Reconstruction of U.S. Route 44 (Burnside Avenue) between Ann Street and Zebulon Street in the Town of East Hartford

The Connecticut Department of Transportation is announcing that construction of an 1800 foot section of U.S. Route 44 (Burnside Avenue) between Ann Street and Zebulon Street is scheduled to begin on or about Monday, October 10, 2011, in the Town of East Hartford.

For more information, please visit the ConnDOT website:

Monday, October 3, 2011

ConnDOT eAlert: Construction News from the Connecticut Department of Transportation

Overnight Closure of Forbes Avenue/U.S. Route 1 will occur Thursday/Friday October 6-7, 2011

The Connecticut Department of Transportation is announcing a nighttime closure of Forbes Avenue/U.S. Route 1, between Stiles Street and East Street, overnight Thursday, October 6/Friday, October 7, 2011, between the hours of 8 PM and 6 AM. This closure is necessary to facilitate the construction of the portion of the new Q-Bridge spanning Forbes Avenue.

For more information, please visit the ConnDOT website:

ConnDOT eAlert: Construction News from the Connecticut Department of Transportation

I-84 Westbound Exit 51 Ramp to I-91 North Will Be Closed Overnight on Tuesday, October 11, 2011 During Replacement of Overhead Sign Support on the Bulkeley Bridge in Hartford

The Connecticut Department of Transportation is announcing that the I-84 westbound off ramp to I-91 north (Exit 51) will be closed to traffic at night beginning Tuesday, October 11, 2011 at 9 pm for the replacement of the overhead sign support on the Bulkeley Bridge in Hartford.

For more information, please visit the ConnDOT website:

ConnDOT eAlert: News from the Connecticut Department of Transportation

Connecticut Safe Routes to School Program Promotes 'Walk to School Day'

The Connecticut Department of Transportation's Safe Routes to School Program is promoting International Walk to School Day. Several Connecticut schools will be joining schools from around the globe to celebrate International Walk to School Day on Wednesday, October 5, 2011.

For more information, please visit the ConnDOT website: