Thursday, September 12, 2019

CTDOT eAlert: News from the CT Department of Transportation

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Department of Transportation

Help the Connecticut Department of Transportation Develop the Next Generation of Rail Cars

The Connecticut Department of Transportation (CTDOT) is seeking public input from Connecticut residents and regular rail riders as it develops the state's next generation of rail cars.  CTDOT is purchasing a fleet of new rail cars to replace its existing push-pull coaches operating on the Hartford Line, Shore Line East, Danbury Line and Waterbury Line.  To assist CTDOT in developing rail cars that are reliable, comfortable, attractive, and sustainable for the next 30 or more years, the Department is seeking interested residents who are current rail riders to participate in a Customer Advisory Panel (CAP).


The goal of forming the CAP is to gain feedback from a diverse group of existing and future rail customers on the possible features and amenities desired in the state's next generation of rail cars. The Panel will include up to three representatives from the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) advocacy community including persons with visual and mobility disabilities, the bicycle and pedestrian community, and a representative of the Connecticut Rail Council.  The Customer Advisory Plan also will include customers from each rail line.  These customers will be selected through an open lottery process.  CTDOT encourages customers to visit to participate in a five-minute survey and apply for a position on the CAP.


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