Friday, September 18, 2020

CTDOT eAlert: News from CTDOT

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Department of Transportation

National Roundabouts Week is September 21-25

The week of September 21, 2020, is National Roundabouts Week. Roundabouts -- an updated and safer version of what used to be called traffic circles or rotaries -- are a form of traffic-calming in urban and sometimes less-urban areas.

It has been shown that converting a typical four-way intersection into a roundabout results in an 80 percent reduction in severe crashes and a 50 percent reduction in crashes overall.

Roundabouts virtually eliminate broadside ("T-bone") and head-on collisions, which tend to be the most serious crashes.  The design of the roundabout reduces speeds, making it easier for motorists to make driving decisions such as avoiding potential crashes and finding gaps to enter the roundabout.

Since there are no stop signs or traffic lights to halt traffic, roundabouts promote a continuous flow for vehicles and reduce delay and congestion.

Roundabouts also benefit pedestrians, as the raised "splitter" islands allow pedestrians to cross one direction of traffic at a time by providing pedestrian refuge areas. These islands, combined with lower speeds, offer pedestrians more crossing opportunities and improve safety.

In recent years, the Connecticut Department of Transportation has completed six roundabouts around the state; 16 more are either in the planning stages or being constucted.


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