Wednesday, July 22, 2020

CTDOT eAlert: Construction and Maintenance News from CTDOT

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Department of Transportation

Pavement Marking Project on Route 190 in Stafford

The Connecticut Department of Transportation is announcing that pavement marking changes will be implemented on Route 190 at Route 32 to improve the functionality of the rotary in Stafford beginning Tuesday, August 11, 2020.


Safety Markings, Inc. in cooperation with the Department of Transportation will be restriping the rotary at Route 190 (E. Jct.) and Route 32 (S. Jct.).  These pavement marking improvements are being performed to bring the circulatory roadway closer to the standards of a modern roundabout and to improve the overall functionality and safety of the intersection. 


The pavement marking improvements will result in the Route 190 (E. Jct.) at Route 32 (S. Jct.) traffic to experience momentary delays due to either lanes closures and or temporary traffic halts.  The work is anticipated to begin on Tuesday, August 11, 2010 at 8:00 a.m. and continue until complete in the same evening or early morning hours of Wednesday, August 12, 2020.



Route 190 (E. Jct.) at Route 32 (S. Jct.) rotary in Stafford will experience momentary delays in traffic due to lane closures and or temporary traffic halts. Traffic control personnel, signing patterns will be utilized to warn motorists of the work zone. The work is scheduled to be begin at 8:00 a.m. on August 11, 2020 and continue until complete in the same evening or early morning hours of August 12, 2020.


Motorists should be aware that modifications or extensions to this schedule may become necessary due to weather delays or other unforeseen conditions.  Motorists are advised to maintain a safe speed when driving in this vicinity and through all work zones.

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